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aaron kajumba.

aaron kajumba.



Could you give us a short bio of yourself

Hey! I am a pastor, yes haha a pastor living in Uganda on mission with Fishers Of Men Uganda. My  passion for the art started when I was given an iPhone 3G in 2009, which had a great camera at the time. Soon after, Instagram was launched! Through the years, I was able to culture my own unique style and even added drone photography to my belt. I grew very fond of capturing the raw emotion of when, where, who and what I shot. I guess I shoot for the feels.


Name of your featuring project

People in FrAme



Please explain the project to us in detail (journey, inspiration, message, influence, and what are you trying to communicate through your creative outlet.

I love to shoot for emotion. I would love that my photography inspires Africans to stop and see the beauty in the simple things around us. There is so much color, life and character in our communities to revel in as people. We just need to take the time to stop and look.


What advice would you give to other creatives?

You have a gift, give it away and inspire others to do the same.

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