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anan hoque.

anan hoque.

south africa

interior design

What are you currently doing?

Post Grad


Could you give me a short bio of yourself

I’m a creative, I’ve always been one. I give all the credit to my mother and her amazing skills that I’ve been blessed with. My interests in art began early on and it spread into photography and design. I chose interior design as a career because of the many fields one can branch into but I do love myself some graphic design skills. Photography has always been a hobby, it keeps me going and has always inspired me. There are many different styles and I’ve never thought of myself as a great or even good photographer but instead a person who enjoys expressing herself through still images. 


Name of your featuring project



Please explain the project to us in detail (journey, inspiration, message, influence, and what are you trying to communicate through your creative outlet.

The project is a long term and always running one. It’s a collection of expressive self-portraits that have been taken in various situations and moods. I’ve always thought of myself to have a sad face but an expressive sad face and I enjoy taking photographs to capture what I’m feeling in that moment or what my thought process is. I don’t purposely go out to take these, instead they happen when I’m inspired or feeling a specific way and for me, photography has always made me feel good. I love portraits the most when it comes to photography.


What advice would you give to other creatives?

it’s important to stay true to yourself. We have millions of trends and it’s easy to lose ourselves in them but every person has something that is unique in some way. If you want to showcase your work, do so because you will always have an audience.

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