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ssanyu sematimba.

ssanyu sematimba.


graphic design

What are you currently doing?

I am currently finishing off her honours year in visual communication at Greenside Design Center. I am a creative chameleon with a keen sense for fashion and experience in graphic design and photography. I believe that design can break down barriers and serve as a universal language to communicate with more people cross-culturally. I believes that the world of design would benefit from blurring the categories of art, offering new creatives a more fluid scope to draw inspiration from.


Name of featured project

My project is untitled 


Please explain the project to us in detail (journey, inspiration, message, influence, and what are you trying to communicate through your creative outlet. 

The project has been a long term project, that showcases Africa from an Afrkan's persective. There are so many terrible perspectives of Afrika that the west has sadly given us, but there is more to Afrika than poverty, and disease. Afrikan's like living in Afrika, for many different reasons, we are a continent with vibrant people, we different cultures, food and colours. You cannot put Africa under one category, we are too big and too diverse. I would like to showcase Afrika from the perspective of an Afrikan, showing the viewers that there is beauty in the simplicity and vibrancy of our continent, but the only way you are able to appreciate Afrika, is if you change your perspective. Once you begin to understand the culture, the people and why we do things the way we do things. Your view on an everyday Afrikan day would completely change, and perhaps you would find the beauty in Afrika


What advice would you give to other creatives?

Your individuality as a creative is just as important as your final outcome. Find your own creative voice. Don’t follow trends, make them. 

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