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Writer's picture: Ssanyu SematimbaSsanyu Sematimba

Batman is my favorite superhero, simply because he owns his weaknesses. Batman is able to own or overcome whatever fear/weakness he has. Now Superman on the other hand had a weakness. What was Superman’s weakness? Superman’s weakness was Kryptonite. In my opinion Superman technically is more powerful than Batman, but unlike Batman Superman is crippled by his weakness (Kryptonite).

We are like Superman because we have been given complete dominance over the earth; we have been given the power to overcome every single obstacle that we may face in life. The only problem is that the minute we face our Kryptonite (our weakness) we become completely crippled, we are no longer conquerors but become victims and slaves to our kryptonite.

When I speak about “Kryptonite” I am not literally speaking about the green rock that Superman is controlled by. Kryptonite is anything that has the ability to cripple, or hinder you from reaching your full potential. Kryptonite can even be something that hinders you in being closer to God.

Most of the time our Kryptonite’s are very small, but only seem big, because we allow them to become big. We elevate the status and power of the weaknesses in our lives.

What is your Kryptonite?

What is stopping you from reaching your full potential?

Now lets practically think about them, and lets think about how small they really are. My Kryptonite is fear in general. The fear of failure, the fear of rejection, the fear of death, freak I’m even afraid of the dark!

Now I want you to think about how much you could achieve if you didn’t allow your kryptonite to control you. Now I’m not saying that there will be a time in your life that you will have no weaknesses, because sadly that’s impossible. I mean Jesus out of all people also had moments of weakness. When Jesus was praying in The Garden of Gethsemane preparing to be crucified he begged God if God could take the cup of suffering away from Him, because he knew how horrible it was going to be – Jesus was scared. The difference is, is that Jesus didn’t allow fear to control Him, yes he was scared but He had a task to fulfill. If Jesus was like us he would have not fulfilled his God given task and would have skipped the whole being crucified thing, and then we probably wouldn’t be here today. Jesus fulfilled His destiny, because he was able to overcome His fear. Are you fulfilling your destiny?

Just like how Jesus suffered during the whole crucifixion process, so will we when overcoming our fears. Overcoming your fear/weakness is not going to be rainbows and sunshine! It’s going to be very difficult so difficult that we may feel alone but just remember that God is always with you.

Psalm 23:4 NIV

“Even though I walk

    Through the darkest valley, [a]

I will fear no evil,

    For you are with me;

Your rod and your staff,

    They comfort me.”

So what am I trying to say? Well the only way we are going to be able to fulfill the plans that God has for us, is if we can take control of our kryptonite’s. Stop allowing small things to hinder your greatness. Some of you may have relationships or friendships as kryptonites that are dragging you down. Remember that you cannot move forward if something or someone is dragging you down. I’ve been saying that we need to get rid of our Kryptonite’s, but how exactly do we do that?

Well its simple start by identifying your kryptonite’s, now once you have done this you will realize that half of these kryptonite don’t need you to go into spiritual warfare , casting out demons and fasting for. Some of these kryptonites will go once you decide to give them to God.

For instance you are scared of getting bad marks, because you have been getting bad marks, but your weakness is social media. You don’t need to cast out demons so that you can study! You want to do well, well then go study!

In conclusion God has amazing plans for us, and we cannot fully achieve those things if we are constantly being weighed down by small things. That’s what the enemy wants; he will throw any thing at you, that will through you off path. When you allow your kryptonite to control you, you are actually giving the enemy control over you. We should be the enemy’s kryptonite not the other way round! Remember that only when we are no longer afraid are we able to really live.

Hebrews 13:6 (NIV)

So we say with confidence,

“The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid.

    What can mere mortals do to me?”[A]

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