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Like an eagle

Writer's picture: Ssanyu SematimbaSsanyu Sematimba

Eagles are such amazing animals! They totally dominate when it comes to the bird kingdom. I feel like Eagles are the "Lion’s" of the sky, they own the sky. Did you know that Eagles eyes have a million light-sensitive cells per square mm of retina, which is five times more that a human’s 200,000.Eagles are admired all over the world and are symbols of freedom, transcendence and power.

“How can we picture God’s kingdom? What kind of story can we use? It’s like a pine nut. When it lands on the ground it is quite small as seeds go, yet once it is planted it grows into a huge pine tree with thick branches. Eagles nest in it.”– Mark 4:30-32

In these verses we begin to understand that even Eagles need to rest. God’s Kingdom is like a pine nut that falls into the ground and forms a big palm tree. God’s Kingdom is always growing and is always being planted into new soil. In these verses it talks about how the Eagle finds rest in the palm tree.

Don’t you think it is so interesting that even the "Kings of the Sky" need to take a rest? Although they were created to soar, conquer and own the sky. They would not be able to do what they were created for if they did not rest.

When an Eagle nests in a tree, it means that the Eagle is able to find rest, shelter, comfort and rejuvenation. Without nesting in the palm tree the eagle would simply fade away. Without nesting the Eagle would not be able to lay her eggs or feed her children. Without nesting the Eagle would fade and wither away without fulfilling its designed purpose.

You see The Kingdom of God is the Pine Nut that eventually turns into a Palm tree, and we are the Eagles. We have all been designed for a purpose, we have been designed to conquer, to rule and to dominate the fields we are gifted in. Just like the Eagle we need to nest in the Kingdom of God. We need to rest, rejuvenate, and find comfort and shelter in the Kingdom of God. Notice that the eagle needs a nest in order for her to feed her babies. We cannot “feed” or help others without The Kingdom of God.

We all have so much on our plates, and sometimes it feels like we don’t own our own time, but just like The Word says, rest in His Kingdom so that you may be strong. So that you are able to fulfill the plans that God has for you. When we don’t find rest in Him, we begin to wither away, we loose our sense of meaning and Identity, and we begin to question who we are and why we were created. Go back to God, allow Him to remind you of your worth, allow him to remind you of your potential.

Did you know that when there is a storm birds tend to head for shelter, but Eagles soar above the storm. We were designed to soar above all our storms in life. We have not been designed to cower and bow down to our storms. We cannot do this if we do not rest in His Kingdom.

Once we are able to rest in the Kingdom of God we will be able to fulfill the plans that He has for us. Just like an Eagle we will fearlessly soar.

plans that He has for us. Just like an Eagle we will fearlessly soar.

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