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Writer's picture: Ssanyu SematimbaSsanyu Sematimba

Jeremiah 17:7-8 | NIV |

“But blessed is the one who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. They will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit.”

This weekend I had the opportunity to travel around the whole of Canada, and I had expectations and some things I needed God to answer. So before we flew down I had a little conversation with God and tried to make a deal with Him (How stupid of me). I needed God to answer a few things that I have been battling with for years. So we finally arrived in Vancouver Island for the weekend and there I was waiting for ALL my questions to be answered.

Each day went by and instead of getting answers I got more and more confused and everything I had been wondering about became even more confusing and mind-boggling. Anyways before the end of the trip, I decided to live a little, enjoy the moment, take risks and stop making calculated moves ( I basically stopped looking for answers). In the end everything seemed to go very well, my questions were not directly answered, but a few things were confirmed. Now I bet you think that this is the end of my story, because a few of my questions were confirmed. If you knew me you would know that I am super complicated.

Throughout the rest of my journey I kept on asking God to confirm it again for me, I wanted Him to make sure that, that was the right answer. You know just to double check. So for the past 2 days I have been waiting for a sign, and I even gave God a deadline for Thursday (Don’t ask – I mean who gives God deadlines?! ) I have literally been praying about this for so long, and I needed another confirmation so that I could figure out what my next few steps would be.

Anyways so I was flying back to Edmonton, and I’m not going to lie I was a little frustrated, because I was expecting God to give me an obvious second sign before I left, but He hadn’t yet. As we flew up in the sky I was trying to make a deal with God while trying to enjoy the scenery and I couldn’t because there was so much fog in the Skye. So I closed my eyes and had a little mental battle with myself and was feeling a little sorry for myself, as I opened my eyes right there in front of me were the beautiful “Rocky Mountains”.

Now what does my little sob story have to do with anything. You see for years I have been asking God about something and I had told myself that God would answer me at a specific time, in a specific place. I basically put limitations on God, I needed Him to answer me according to my terms and conditions, and that’s not how it works with God. God knows exactly what He wants for you, and He knows exactly what He should reveal to you, because sometimes we may want something and we want God to tell us if we are going to get it or not, so that we can prepare for our futures. God doesn’t reveal everything to us, because He knows we are not ready for it.

God plants things in your heart for a reason, and we tend to question them. Nothing that God has planted in you has been planted for nothing, God knows exactly when that seed will grow into a beautiful flower, but that seed will not grow if we try and water it with our water and our sunshine, the seed will not flourish and grow if we try to feed it according to our terms and conditions. The only way these seeds can grow and become beautiful tree’s, is if we allow God to look after our seeds. You need to become fertile soil, you need to become pliable.

In my case God gave me an answer and I needed God to confirm the answer He gave me. I questioned God, because He answered me, and I questioned Him, because God said yes, and all the odds are literally against me, and I honestly have no idea how its going to work out for me, but God has a plan, and all I have to do is trust in Him.

Another thing was that I had already been getting confirmations and answers from God long before my trip, but because I limited God, and stated that I would only get my answer at a specific place and time I ignored all the answers. Looking at it now, my question had already been answered and all I have to do now is to trust in God.

Fog represents confusion, and this is exactly how I felt, I was so focused on myself and on what I was thinking about, and how impossible it was that I began to doubt what God had said yes to. When I shut my eyes and prayed and opened my eyes I opened my eyes to beautiful scenery. Basically confirming and stating that we can never rely on ourselves to figure things out, because we are bound to confuse ourselves, but when we trust in God life becomes so beautiful and so clear. The beautiful “ Rocky Mountains “ confirm that whatever God has in store for us is beautiful beyond measure, and you will only be able to experience it fully if you trust in God and let Him do the work.

Lastly when God confirms something He doesn’t need to say it again, When God says it is done, it is done. Never allow your doubt to rob you from claiming your blessing.

Lets’ stop over complicating our lives, by trying to help God fix our lives, God knows the end and the beginning and all the in between.

Ps: In 10 years this will be a testimony, and I will be telling you about how God made a way.

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