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When I grow up

Writer's picture: Ssanyu SematimbaSsanyu Sematimba

Remember when we were little and we used to have the coolest dreams!? I have two little cousins named Joshua and Daniel, and they have the coolest dreams ever! I mean Joshua wants to be a dragon and Daniel wants to be a frog!? Like that is literally impossible, but they are so confident and passionate about their dreams.

Do you remember what you wanted to be when you were little?! I don’t know about you, but I had big dreams when I was little. When I was little I wanted to be a Spice Girl! I wanted to be Scary Spice!

I was so serious about the spice girl life! I mean I even had a little spice girl squad. We had Megan, she was blonde so she was baby spice, and Holly had red hair so she was Ginger Spice. Our dear friend Emily was Greek, so she couldn’t really be part of the squad like I mean c’mon there was no “Greek Spice” so she had to sit and watch us practice. We couldn’t compromise! We used to have dance routines, we knew al their songs, and were looking to recruit a Posh and Sporty Spice. We were so serious about the Spice Girl life!!

Now where exactly am I going with this?! When we were little we had THE COOLEST dreams, we believed in things, that didn’t exist, we knew and truly believed that we would become dinasours, spice girls or even dragons! We were so set on our dreams that nothing or no one could discourage us from our dreams. We were so adamant that our dreams were going to come true. We even centered our lives around our dreams. We had daily routines that were centered around our dreams, and we NEVER compromised! The sad thing about this is that the older we become the more limited our dreams are. We dream smaller, we begin to doubt God and ourselves more.

Now I am not saying that becoming a dinosaur, super saiyen or dragon is possible. I am talking about the faith and passion that children have behind all their dreams.

Where has all our faith gone? Where has all our passion gone?

You would think that the older we get the wiser we become. The older we get the more doubtful we become, because we become so lost in the world. We begin to focus on the world, and what it says about us, instead of turning to God and listening to what he has to say about us. We become so lost in the noise of the world, so lost in the noise of the world that we can no longer hear God’s voice. This is why we begin to limit ourselves. God tells us we can do something, we hear it, and then we listen to what the world says about our purpose, about our dream. Instead of listening to what God says we turn to the world and listen to the world reminding us on how impossible our calling is. We forget about what God has said, and we then begin to limit ourselves.

The minute you limit yourself you limit God. God already told you what you were supposed to be, God told you that you were going to change the world, that you were going to change the game, but the world said no, and instead of listening to God you listened to the world.

God is a good God, he is just and fair and will never force himself on you, therefore he wont force you to fulfill the plans that he has for you. That’s all up to you. God said be great. The world said no, whose voice are you listening to?

Now I’ve been speaking about this “faith faith faith”…

What is faith?

Well according to Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Faith is confidence, belief, and trust. It is the evidence of things not seen.

Faith reminds us of what God can do, Faith reminds us of the impossible made possible. Faith reassures and reminds us that God is able to do the impossible. Faith keeps us pushing; it encourages us, motivates us and reminds us to be faithful. Without faith there is no hope, and without faith or hope there is no dream.

So how do we apply faith to our daily life? Firstly we need to strengthen our faith, and we do that by reading the word, spending time with God, speaking to him. Then when God tells you something listen to Him, don’t pull a Jonah and run away (I do that all the time – it never works out, cause I always come running back to God). Listen to what he has to say. Sometimes you can’t hear his voice, and that’s okay. Just ask Him. Ask God what he wants from you, ask him what he has planned for you. God will never leave you hanging. He will speak to you. You just need to listen. His voice becomes more prominent when you spend more and more time with him. Another thing is to ask God to fill you with His love and wisdom, because sometimes God tells us something, and we have such a strong conviction about what He has told us, and then the world confuses us. So even when times are tough, and when it looks like your calling or dream seems impossible you have that reassurance, that peace that God gave you from day one.

I know that this sounds so mystical and “spiritual”, but it actually works. Ask God what He wants from you, He’ll actually show you, but when He shows you, don’t be scared don’t be startled, because it will be Big! It is going to sound impossible, but we serve a great God, a God that makes all things possible. So I encourage you to dream bigger, become a child again. God is your father, and he will do ANYTHING for you, you just need to ask him, and believe in him. When you know what you need to do, or even if you are still waiting for God to show you, never take your eyes off Him. Focus on God, because He will lead you to the right path, He will show you how much He loves you, He will remind you of your worth. He’ll show you how great you are. The world does the complete opposite. We do get lost sometimes, the world confuses us, and when we do, that’s okay, because God is right there next to you waiting for you to ask Him for help.

God just wants to speak to you, he just wants to show you How much He loves you, and some of us are giving Him the silent treatment. He loves you so much. So much so that when you open up your heart to him, and when you let Him in He fills you with so much love, and so much peace. Let Him in, let him show you.

Philippians 4:13

whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am.

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